ShareWare and FreeWare programs for domain administrators and Windows users


If you have installed SilentSwitchFinder, you can use it in 2 ways:

#1:  Identify the installer type with SilentSwitchFinder for all your jobs.

      Create a job with Package Creator

      Delete the Install() and UnInstall() functions created by Package Creator, and paste the SilentSwitchFinder        functions into your script.

      Test the Install() and UnInstall() functions created by SilentSwitchFinder

#2:  Identify the installer type with SilentSwitchFinder for all your jobs.

      Create a job with Package Creator

      Test the Install() and UnInstall() functions created by Package Creator

      If errors occurs, check among other things the silent switches created by SilentSwitchFinder

If you is satisfied with my work, please consider to use the Donate button.

Do you wanna know why?

Most of my TryWare Windows Tools is 100% FreeWare, and there isn't any restrictions, except automatically showing you this donation page, each time you have used Windows Tools 90 days.

Donation is about my tremendous work in my private leisure, and my expenses to hardware, software, code signing, web-hotel, memberships and ADSL connection. All donations will be shown on this page below.

So if you after some time is satisfied using some of my TryWare or PayWare programs, and want to support my work, please consider to donate $10,00 to me using PayPal.

If you decide to purchase one of these other programs that I recommend, you also automatically donate to me, but only if you pay after clicking on some of the affiliate commercial  ads links I show you here, and not if you browse to the vendors website yourself. And you don't need to pay anything, if you just wants to have a 100% free look about the programs I recommend:         "I recommend these other applications"      --------->

If you donate to me, then please send me an email about which of the following informations you will allow me to show about you below, e.g. full name, City, State, Country, Email Address, Website, a.s.o.

If I decided to use a license fee, it would only take the thousands of hackers around to world a few weeks to break my license protection, and then I needed to use a lot of time to create a new license protection, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on ...   :0(

But I will rather use my time to produce valuable programs to you, so if you is satisfied with my work after evaluating it for some time, please consider to support my work with a donation.

So as part of my 100% freeware programs, there's a tiny feature installed as part of my freeware programs, but I didn't restrict or changed anything in my freware programs, and there's no license fee.

The only thing this tiny feature does, is showing you this page each time you have used the features in my 100% freeware program 90 days. And there's nothing more to it, if you don't want to donate to me, my freeware program continues on your computer without any restrictions at all (except showing you this page, each time you have used it 90 days).

Creating a program involves writing a source code, compiling it, and testing it, and testing it, and testing it, and so on, and so on ...

When the program is ready to use, then I need to make an Installer and Uninstaller, that both involves 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems folder structures and registry structures, and adding a license fee protection tool if it's ShareWare.

As an example, I used 9 months of 8 hours man power each day to create my PsPadEditorCapaLib solution, using 615.011.115 bytes in 2.605 files, and creating my website about it, and 3 weeks of 8 hours man power each day to create my Installer and Uninstaller for my solution, and 5 days of 8 hours man power to create my license fee protection tool, which is used if my Windows Tool is ShareWare. After that I used 2 months of 8 hours man power each day to BETA test my solution on all the above operation systems.

;o) Your brain is also like a parachute. It works best when it's open

       A l l  t h e  f a l l i n g  M a t r i x  l e t t e r s  e n d s  d o w n  h e r e,  s o
       Z i o n s  r o b o t  w e b  c r a w l e r s  e a t s  t h e  k e y w o r d s    ;O)
