ShareWare and FreeWare programs for domain administrators and Windows users


Tested on:

Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

Windows XP SP2 32 bit

Page updated October 2015

Breaking news: PsPadEditorCapaLib is ready for download now!

Most of them is with 1 free lifetime trial license with all features.

Some of them is with one 90 days free full license with all features

Some of them is only based on my password protected websites, so you won't be able to download a trial.

Most of my ShareWare programs is sold with a lifetime license


Maybe your company's security rules, forces you to logon as not being member of the local administrators group, but sometimes you need the credentials of the local administrator, or your domain administrator. If so, your option is to rightclick a file in Explorer.exe, and select the "Run as a different user" in the context menu, and type the needed username and password. But in some cases, you might need to rightclick a file, that don't show you the "Run as different user" option in Explorer.exe's context menu. That is e.g. the case for .vbs files (vbScript), where Explorer.exe's context menu only gives you the option to run e.g. the .vbs file with one of your file associations in registry, even if you hold down the SHIFT key while rightclicking the file.

With my Windows Tool you don't need to type username and password, or change any file associations.

EasyBrainStimuli (PayWare: 90 days free trial version available)

My Windows Tool is using subliminal brain stimuli, that among others Disney and Coca-Cola have been highly suspected of using, because it activates specific regions of the brain, while you might not be aware of it, so it makes it much easier for you, to e.g. pass an exam, or to memorise a lot of things, that normally offends your brain memory, or even to e.g. stop smoking, or to follow your weight diet without any pain. You can use EasyBrainStimuli in two ways: #1: With a lot of small random flash messages shown on your computer screen in splitseconds. #2: With a lot of questions, that you can answer. The best of it is, that you can create all the flash messages or questions/answers very easily yourself, only using Notepad.

PsPadEditorCapaLib (ShareWare: 90 days free trial version available with all features installed)

Script Editor from with almost 100 different syntax highlighting choices like e.g. html, vbScript and AutoIt3, and lots of other fantastic features. I have added a huge number of vbScript Windows Tools to the PsPad editor, where one of them is specially designed to improve speed, when using the Management System from, so you only need to type 2 letters, to get dozens of syntax validated vbScripts lines pasted automatically into your ComputerJobs.

RunasDomainAdmin (ShareWare: 1 free trial version available)
Because of your company's security rules, your end users are forced to logon as not being
local administrators, and they aren't allowed to UAC elevate applications with a right click. But some thirdparty vendors installations programs, is using the end users userprofile for critical parts of their applications. So the only option with such applications, is to make your end users member of the local administrator group, which isn't allowed in your company   :O(

Domain administrators are forced to right click the applications file in Explorer.exe, and select the "Run as a different user" option in the context menu, and type the wanted administrator user's logonname and password, each and every time they want to run the application.

With W8-RunAsDomainAdmin you can specify a lot of files and/or applications, that anybody can start with a shortcut on their desktop, and it will runas your domain administrators credentials. There's no security risk involved, except doing it with e.g. editors

RunDisableUAC: (ShareWare: 1 free trial version available)

Maybe you are creating deployment scripts with your Management System, to install thirdparty programs on your many domain computers, but the only option with a few of these programs, is to make your endusers member of the local administrator group, which isn't normally allowed in your company. And the exe-file was forced UAC-elevated, even if the builtin manifest wasn't RequireAdministrator, but only RunAsInvoker. If you ask Microsoft, it's because UAC evaluates all exe files, because they could be installation files.

With my Windows tool, you can run all exe files, and all other script function files like e.g. vbs and cmd without being UAC elevated. If you ask Microsoft UAC can't be disabled and re-enabled without 2 reboots. If you ask me, it's done "on the fly" without any need to reboot with my Windows Tool.

If you are writing vbScript functions or utilities, where you want to protect your source code, you have until now only had the option to obfuscate (encode) it, but this can easily be decoded again. If you ask Microsoft, vbScript can't be decrypted, but only coded. If you ask me, you can use my Windows tool to decrypt your vbScript source code, if you buy a cheap vbs to exe utility, or as I use the basic like freeware compiler from AutoIt

SEO:_Search_Engine_Optimization: (Trial version not available, but you can see a huge index list)

There is many things you need to do, if you want some perfect search engine rankings, and one of them is to get links to your website on as many other websites around the world.

I'm currently writing about my 33 years programming experience, of how to use dozens of different things you need to do, if you wants better search engine rankings, and I expect it to be ready late 2013.

ShareWare: Pay me for a lifetime access to a huge list of my SEO pages (and some Windows Tools to download)

Without paying you will only get access to a detailed index of my SEO pages.

;o) Your brain is also like a parachute. It works best when it's open

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       Z i o n s  r o b o t  w e b  c r a w l e r s  e a t s  t h e  k e y w o r d s    ;O)
