ShareWare and FreeWare programs for domain administrators and Windows users


Tested on:

Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

Windows XP SP2 32 bit

Page updated April 2012

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Do you wanna know why?

NullSoft NSIS installation syntax:

Default silent install switches:


Install Switches:

Un-Install Switches:


Vendors website

CommandLine Options

Explore Package Knowledge Base

Install Switches


Dir to specify the "output directory", which is where the program will be installed. It must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotes ("), even if the path contains spaces. Only absolute paths are supported.


suppress the CRC (verification) step


Silent installation

These options are case-sensitive, so be sure to type them in upper case.

Un-Install Switches:


Sets $INSTDIR. It also stops the uninstaller from copying itself to the temporary directory and running from there. It can be used along with


Wait for the uninstaller to finish. It must be the last parameter used in the command line and must not contain any quotes, even if the path contains spaces.


installer.exe /NCRC

installer.exe /S

installer.exe /D=C:\Program Files\NSIS

installer.exe /NCRC /S /D=C:\Program Files\NSIS

uninstaller.exe /S _?=C:\Program Files\NSIS

# uninstall old version

ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\uninstaller.exe" /S _?=$INSTDIR'

;o) Your brain is also like a parachute. It works best when it's open

       A l l  t h e  f a l l i n g  M a t r i x  l e t t e r s  e n d s  d o w n  h e r e,  s o
       Z i o n s  r o b o t  w e b  c r a w l e r s  e a t s  t h e  k e y w o r d s    ;O)
