ShareWare and FreeWare programs for domain administrators and Windows users


When my Windows Tool runs, it will create logfiles in the C:\ITD\TrywareDk\<MyWindowsToolName>\Log folder. These logfiles will be deleted/appended/created each time you use one of my <MyWindowsToolName> files:

    <MyWindowsToolName>.log          - Appended to <MyWindowsToolName>.bak, and deleted before execution.

    <MyWindowsToolName>.bak         - Valid switches is appended. File is truncated to max. 100 KB.

    Error-<MyWindowsToolName>.log  - Appended to Error-<MyWindowsToolName>.bak, and deleted before execution

    Error-<MyWindowsToolName>.bak - Error switches is appended. File is truncated to max. 100 KB.

So if you are using a Management System, you are able to track success or errors if the <MyWindowsToolName>.log file or in the Error-<MyWindowsToolName>.log that is created according to the INFO #nnn: or ERROR #nnn:  numbers (all nnn numbers in 3 digits) described in:

W7-Setup-LogNumbers.txt (contains all lognumbers for all my FreeWare/ShareWare Windows Tools) located in the C:\ITD\TrywareDk\W7-Setup\Bin folder.



;  © Copyright 2012: IT-Programmer J. Malmgren,, version, August 2012.









; My setup.exe files like e.g. W7-Setup.exe and my Windows Tools setup.exe files runs with some

; gui box messages to you, but can also run silent if you use the -silent command line switch.


; In both cases (silent or not) a W7-Setup.log and/or a Error-W7-Setup.log file will be created

; in the C:\ITD\TrywareDk\<MyWindowsToolName>\Log folder, where <MyWindowsToolName> could be my

; Windows Tool W7-IMDisk. If <MyWindowsToolName> is W7-ImDisk, then the logfiles will be crea-

; ted in the C:\ITD\TrywareDk\W7-ImDisk\Log folder like e.g.:


;        W7-ImDisk.log --> Appended to W7-ImDisk.bak, and deleted before execution.

;        W7-ImDisk.bak --> Valid switches is appended. File is truncated to max. 100 KB.

;        Error-W7-ImDisk.log --> Appended to Error-W7-ImDisk.bak, and deleted before execution

;        Error-W7-ImDisk.bak --> Error switches is appended. File is truncated to max. 100 KB.


; If you have such a logfile open, before running my setup.exe file, then your editor will

; still show the "earlier" content, even if the Setup.exe just deleted the *.log file. So if

; you run W7-Setup.exe with the -silent option, and is using a Management System, you are able

; to track success or errors when the descending sorted W7-Setup.log is finished, according to

; the INFO #nnnn or ERROR #nnnn numbers (all nnnn numbers in 4 digits) described below:

; ERROR and INFO #0001-#0099 is about W7-Setup.exe or default if not mentioned below

; ERROR and INFO #0101-#0199 is about W7-ImDisk.exe

; ERROR and INFO #0201-#0299 is about W7-DownloadBuildsValid.exe

; ERROR and INFO #0301-#0399 is about W7-PsPadEditorCapaLib.exe

; ERROR and INFO #0401-#0499 is about W7-SilentSwitchFinder.exe

               ; ERROR #0001-#0099 is about W7-Setup.exe or default if not mentioned below

ERROR #0001: W7-Setup.exe ended with errors

ERROR #0002: W7-Setup.exe didn't create the needed subfolders

ERROR #0003: W7-Setup.exe -silent didn't find manually downloaded

ERROR #0004: W7-Download.exe ended with errors

ERROR #0005: Too many switches. Read syntax if one or more needed quotation marks

ERROR #0006: The website showing the download url doesn't exist

ERROR #0007: The download url doesn't exist

ERROR #0008: Too few switches. Read syntax about needed switches

ERROR #0009: Needed file is missing

ERROR #0010: File exists, but file i/o did not respond

ERROR #0011: UnExpected and UnRecoverable error occurred

ERROR #0012: Specified Tool file is not installed

ERROR #0013: Result missing. Waited too long

ERROR #0014: Settings value is missing or wrong in settings file

ERROR #0015: Needed switches is missing

ERROR #0016: Terminating program because of error

ERROR #0017: Content of file must be changed

ERROR #0018: You forgot to input a password, when asked about it to be encrypted

ERROR #0019: Switches is missing: Showing user valid syntax descriptions in notepad file

ERROR #0020: Terminating program because specified Tool file already is running

ERROR #0021: Full path is missing about filename in specified settings file

               ; ERROR #0101-#0199 is about W7-ImDisk.exe

ERROR #0101: W7-ImDisk.exe is already installed

ERROR #0102: W7-ImDisk.exe is NOT installed

ERROR #0103: ImDiskMount=CreateAWE isn't valid

ERROR #0104: ImDiskMount=CreateRAM isn't valid

ERROR #0105: ImDiskMount isn't valid

ERROR #0106: ImDiskMount=Remove isn't valid

ERROR #0107: ImDiskDriveLetter isn't a mapped drive

ERROR #0108: ImDisk.cpl shows a false virtual drive until next reboot

ERROR #0109: Ini files opened in editor wasn't deleted

ERROR #0110: Log files opened in editor wasn't deleted

ERROR #0111: Switch(es) isn't valid

ERROR #0112: Virtual drive is mapped but not formatted

ERROR #0113: Unrecoverable error creating virtual drive

ERROR #0114: Maybe send an email to

ERROR #0115: Unmount any virtual disk with errors, and terminate ImDisk.cpl

ERROR #0116: You forgot to terminate ImDisk.cpl as requested

ERROR #0117: ImDiskVolume isn't valid

ERROR #0118: W7-ImDiskUnInstall.exe started without using W7-UnInstall.exe

               ; ERROR #0201-#0299 is about W7-DownloadBuildsValid.exe

ERROR #0201: Downloaded 'Builds' check file was empty

ERROR #0202: Download of 'Builds' check file from did not work

ERROR #0203: Searching downloaded 'Builds' check file took too long

ERROR #0204: Values is missing in W7-TrywareDkSettings.ini

ERROR #0205: Forcing termination of specified program, because EndUser neglected it

               ; INFO #0001-#0099 is about W7-Setup.exe or default if not mentioned below

INFO #0001: W7-Setup.exe ended with success

INFO #0002: W7-Setup.exe waits while user reads W7-Setup-Readme.txt

INFO #0003: Question about confirming W7-UnInstall.exe about the Windows Tool

INFO #0004: Terminating W7-UnInstall.exe without execution

INFO #0005: W7-Download.exe ended with success

INFO #0006: W7-Download.exe starts download

INFO #0007: W7-Download.exe finished download

INFO #0008: Moved W7-Setup.exe from download dir to <MyWindowsToolName>'s download dir

INFO #0009: Is about to download

INFO #0010: Logging info about switches when running exe file

INFO #0011: Logging info about switches when opening a file

INFO #0012: Searching for values in ini files

INFO #0013: Found specified value in ini files

INFO #0014: Did not find specified value in ini files

INFO #0015: Testing size limit of logfile

INFO #0016: Taking backup of logfile, and starting a new empty logfile

INFO #0017: Testing running processes

INFO #0018: Found specified running process

INFO #0019: Waiting for specified process to terminate

INFO #0020: Forcing specified process to terminate

INFO #0021: EndUser paused running Tool file

INFO #0022: Reading values in specified log file

INFO #0023: Specified Tool file is missing

INFO #0024: Validating if specified Tool file is installed

INFO #0025: Version should be nnn

INFO #0026: Text is copied to your clipboard. Use it with CTRL+V

INFO #0027: W7-Download.exe is using this logfolder path

INFO #0028: Truncating info- and error bak files

INFO #0029: Logfile doesn't exist yet

INFO #0030: Validating specified value in ini files

INFO #0031: Decrypting a password

INFO #0032: Last record found in file

INFO #0033: Shortcut is created in your userprofiles desktop

INFO #0034: You forgot to select a file in the fileopen dialog box

INFO #0035: Do you wanna disable my Windows Tool

INFO #0036: You have already selected this file

INFO #0037: Showing user my notepad file with switch syntax description

INFO #0038: Moved file from download dir to C:\ITD\TrywareDk\<MyWindowsToolName>\Bin dir

INFO #0039: Created subfolders in C:\ITD\TrywareDk\<MyWindowsToolName> dir

INFO #0040: Initiating <MyWindowsToolName>.exe file

INFO #0041: Deleted file in download dir, after moving it to <MyWindowsToolName>\Bin dir

INFO #0042: Starting <MyWindowsToolName> as UAC elevated

               ; INFO #0101-#0199 is about W7-ImDisk.exe

                 ; INFO #0101-#0105: ImDiskSize in W7-ImDisk.exe is with a negative value

INFO #0101: ImDiskSize < -512MB

INFO #0102: ImDiskSize < -3072MB

INFO #0103: ImDiskSise isn't needed on 64 bit systems, when using ImDiskMount=CreateRAM

INFO #0104: ImDiskSize < Free RAM

INFO #0105: ImDiskSize converted to new value because of Free RAM

INFO #0106: Changing values in ini settings file

                 ; INFO #0106-#0111: ImDiskSize in W7-ImDisk.exe is with a positive value

INFO #0106: ImDiskSize <   28KB if ImDiskFileSystem=FAT

INFO #0107: ImDiskSize <  512MB if ImDiskFileSystem=FAT32 or NTFS

INFO #0108: ImDiskSize > 1024KB if ImDiskFileSystem=FAT

INFO #0109: ImDiskSize > 3072MB if ImDiskFileSystem=FAT32 or NTFS

INFO #0110: ImDiskSize < Free RAM

INFO #0111: ImDiskSize converted to new value because of Free RAM

INFO #0112: W7-ImDisk is installed

INFO #0113: Close Explorer.exe and Notepad.exe if ImDiskUnInstall=Enabled

INFO #0114: Virtual disk is mapped and formatted

INFO #0115: Virtual disk is removed

INFO #0116: Re-created missing settings ini file

INFO #0117: Question about confirming execution of command line switches

INFO #0118: Terminating W7-ImDisk.exe without execution of command line switches

INFO #0119: Not deleting the LastGood subfolder in C:\Windows\<SysWOW64><System32>

INFO #0120: Not deleting C:\ITD\TrywareDk subfolders if ImDiskUnInstall=Enabled

INFO #0121: ImDiskDriveLetter isn't a valid drive letter

INFO #0122: ImDiskDriveLetter changed, because it was already a mapped drive

INFO #0123: ImDiskConfirm changed to disabled

INFO #0124: Using default settings ini file instead of switches

INFO #0125: Changing settings ini file, but only if first run after installation

INFO #0126: Changing settings ini file to ImDiskMount=CreateRAM

INFO #0127: W7-ImDisk un-install finished with success

INFO #0128: Starting setup of W7-ImDisk

               ; INFO #0201-#0299 is about W7-DownloadBuildsValid.exe

INFO #0201: Started reading download about 'builds' check from

INFO #0202: Not needed to test specified folder name

INFO #0203: New 'build' version found

INFO #0204: Found version number on your harddisk

INFO #0205: Stopped reading downloaded 'Builds" check file

INFO #0206: Started logging info

INFO #0207: Writing info to logfiles

INFO #0208: Logging Operating System Version info

INFO #0209: Logging Operating System Bit info

INFO #0210: Logging Operating System Language info

INFO #0211: Logging Operating System Service Pack info

INFO #0212: Logging CPU Bit info

INFO #0213: Logging Computername info

INFO #0214: Logging Username info

INFO #0215: Logging C:\<ProgramFiles> info

INFO #0216: Logging C:\<SystemDir> info

INFO #0217: Logging Logon DNS Domain info

INFO #0218: Logging Logon Domain info

INFO #0219: Logging Logon Server info

INFO #0220: Logging Language info

INFO #0221: Started reading values in ActiveProgramsBeingValidated.ini

INFO #0222: Reading values in W7-TrywareDkSettings.ini

INFO #0223: Changing values in W7-TrywareDkSettings.ini

INFO #0224: Changing values in @Status-W7-DownloadBuildsValid.log

INFO #0225: Not needed to test OpenFiles in @Status-W7-DownloadBuildsValid.log

INFO #0226: Started test in any OpenFiles needs to be alerted

INFO #0227: Stopped test in any OpenFiles needs to be alerted

INFO #0228: Started test if any ini files needs to be changed

INFO #0229: Started download of missing Tool files

INFO #0230: Started test if any Tool files needs to be downloaded with new 'Build'

INFO #0231: Info to EndUser about found missing Tool files

INFO #0232: Stopped reading values in W7-TrywareDkSettings.ini

INFO #0233: Found specified program in OpenFiles in @Status-W7-DownloadBuildsValid.log

INFO #0234: Logging timestamp for last change in @Status-W7-DownloadBuildsValid.log

INFO #0235: Deleting specified program in OpenFiles in @Status-W7-DownloadBuildsValid.log

INFO #0236: Adding specified program to OpenFiles in @Status-W7-DownloadBuildsValid.log

INFO #0237: Alerting EndUser because of timestamp about specified program in OpenFiles

INFO #0238: Testing if any values is missing in W7-TrywareDkSettings.ini

INFO #0239: Alerting EndUser about need to terminate program

INFO #0240: Updated all Tools files, and after a backup, changed some ini files

               ; INFO #0301-#0399 is about W7-PsPadEditorCapaLib.exe

INFO #0301: CTRL+ALT+R is enabled in PsPad.ini

INFO #0302: CTRL+ALT+R is disabled in PsPad.ini

               ; INFO #0401-#0499 is about W7-SilentSwitchFinder.exe

INFO #0401: Do you want setup.exe among too many installer files found

INFO #0402: Manual select because too many installer files was found

INFO #0403: No installer files found

INFO #0404: Found installer type and installer description

But if you have such a logfile open, before running my W7-RunDisableUAC Windows Tool, then your editor will still show the "earlier" content, even if my W7-RunDisableUAC Windows Tool just deleted the *.log file. Please consider to read a couple of lines in these logfiles, because there might be more than one with # nnn with the youngest first, because I sort them descending.

       A l l  t h e  f a l l i n g  M a t r i x  l e t t e r s  e n d s  d o w n  h e r e,  s o
       Z i o n s  r o b o t  w e b  c r a w l e r s  e a t s  t h e  k e y w o r d s    ;O)
