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Photo updated June 1965

Page updated April 2012

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Do you wanna know why?

The Onvipe Band:

Composer, Lyrics, Bas, Drums, SteelDrums, Piano, Keyboard, Guitar, Strings, Brass, Song, Choir, Producer, Dubs & Mix, Foto and Cover Design: J. Malmgren (and noone else)

Production: Only virtual performance Studios

Album: First Edition 2006:                                                   Dedicated to Oliver Zambrano Larsen

Link to chords, lyrics, notes, cover and cd-label

Alice in Fairyland


Dream about me

I’m hooked on a Sandpiper

Love is like the weather

My only love

Need your love

Rainy Session

Savage Girl

You are my devine

;o) Your brain is also like a parachute. It works best when it's open

       A l l  t h e  f a l l i n g  M a t r i x  l e t t e r s  e n d s  d o w n  h e r e,  s o
       Z i o n s  r o b o t  w e b  c r a w l e r s  e a t s  t h e  k e y w o r d s    ;O)
