ShareWare and FreeWare programs for domain administrators and Windows users


Tested on:

Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

Windows XP SP2 32 bit

Page update June 2013

If you is satisfied with my work, please consider to use the Donate button.

Do you wanna know why?

I'm beta testing my solution right now, and I expect that version is ready for download download early in 2013.


I used 4 weeks of 8 hours man power each day to create this solution, using 128.865 sourcecode lines, and creating my website about it, and I'm offering it to you as freeware for $0,00000

If you after a period of evaluation is satisfied using my Windows Tool W7-Imdisk, and want to support my work, please consider to donate to me  -------------------------------------------->

Donation is about my tremendous work in my private leisure, and my costs to hardware, software, code signing, web-hotel, memberships and ADSL connection

Download "Main" installer or "Builds"

My Installers consist of a "Main" installer, that installs the whole solution ready to use, and some "Builds", that only updates 1 file overwriting your installed version. You are automatically warned if there is updates to the "Builds".

Please be aware that your anti virussystem could delete these files.

If so, read my solution about in in my FAQ.

"Main" Installer W7-ImDisk v1.0.0.0

You need to select Save this program to disk, when you download …

Version          Install-32-bit.exe             Install-64-bit.exe

Normally you can run some 32 bit applications on your 64 bit Operating System. But my installer demands, that you only can run my Install-64-bit.exe on your 64 bit Operating System.

IMPORTANT: Please select Save the file to harddisk instead of Run the file when you download.

You can select to scan Install.exe for virus, spyware and malware, but I've already done this for you, with many updated versions

When you start Install.exe the first time, the following folder is created:


"Builds"                                (Features not ready yet)

You don't need to download these "Builds" manually, because I automatically alterts you, if there is new "Builds" ready, that you miss on your harddisk, and if so, I give you the option to do download it for you.

If so you need to select Save this program to disk, when you download  Version

W7-ImDiskBuilds-32-bit.exe             W7-ImDiskBuilds-64-bit.exe

Warning:  Terminate the ImDisk.cpl before you download the "Build" file. It doesn't matter to download the "Builds" file to the locations described below, becase when you run it, it automatically takes a backup of your old files, and copies the needed files to the right location.


If the version number below is, then the "Build" file is identical with the same file being installed with my "Main" Installer. Otherwise it's a newer updated file, according to the feature list below.

Note: To day all the features below is v1.0.0.0


My updated "Build" files consist of the following changes/new features:

W7-ImDisk.exe  v1.0.0.0 Located in C:\ITD\TrywareDk\W7-ImDisk\Bin

v1.0.0.0 is part of the "Main" installer v1.0.0.0

This feature installs and uninstalls, creates and removes ImDisk virtual mapped drives, with option of using either silent command line switches or the settings in W7-ImDisk.ini, and it runs with the local system account credentials, no matter if it's run silent or not

W7-ImDisk-Readme.txt  v1.0.0.0 Located in C:\ITD\TrywareDk\W7-ImDisk\Bin

v1.0.0.0 is part of the "Main" installer v1.0.0.0

It's my copyright file, but includes also some of Olof's copyrights and explanations.

W7-ImDisk.ini  v1.0.0.0 Located in C:\ITD\TrywareDk\W7-ImDisk\Ini

v1.0.0.0 is part of the "Main" installer v1.0.0.0

This settings file spedifies how W7-ImDisk.exe will run, and what to do if silent swithes isn't used

W7-UnInstall.exe v1.0.0.0 Located in C:\

v1.0.0.0 is part of the "Main" installer v1.0.0.0

C:\W7-UnInstall.exe doesn't exist on C:\ before you use W7-ImDisk.exe to un-install. W7-UnInstall.exe deletes the last part of Olof's and mine files, folders and regkeys. including it self.

The "Build" also contains a lot of files from my own "Windows Features", that is part of all my other Windows Tools, so you might have some of them already.

My updated "Build" files consist of the following of Olof's files:

ImDiskInst.exe v1.5.7 built 16 Feb 2012 Located in C:\ITD\TrywareDk\W7-ImDisk\Download

After download, is unpacked in the following folders and files:

;o) Your brain is also like a parachute. It works best when it's open

       A l l  t h e  f a l l i n g  M a t r i x  l e t t e r s  e n d s  d o w n  h e r e,  s o
       Z i o n s  r o b o t  w e b  c r a w l e r s  e a t s  t h e  k e y w o r d s    ;O)
